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I have to make just one note. Treat the images as general concepts, not as a final design. It’s complicated to bring all the level of detail I would like to the AI. So I opted for a general concept of the character. That said, let’s go with this first release of 4 Agents.





Power Concept: Radianite Gum

Origin: Lithuania

Description: Gumie is a Radiant from a distant future. Supported by her Radianite Gum, she is capable of obstructing the vision of her enemies, leaving them stuck to the ground and revitalizing her team. Only she knows how to bring real flavor to the battle.


Description of Abilities

Mint – EQUIP a healing gum. SHOOT on a wounded ally to heal him/her. ALTER THE SHOOT MODE to heal herself.


Blueberry – EQUIP an explosive gum. FIRE to throw it as a grenade. Use SECONDARY FIRE to throw it nearby. When the blueberry gum explodes, it sticks all agents in the area.


Strawberry – ACTIVATE to connect the giant gum to the map. SHOOT to place the gum. ALTER THE SHOOT MODE to pick them up. CLICK the ability again to exit the map. USE a gum to increase its size, USE it again to decrease its size. They work with a quantity of gum, which is used up as it is used and does not recharge.


MaxiGum – ACTIVATE to connect the giant gum to the map. SHOOT to place the MaxiGum. CLICK the ability again to exit the map. A long, tall, thick wall of gum will be created, slowing down anyone who tries to pass through it.



Ability Characteristics


  • Cost: 150 Credits
  • Distance: 20m
  • Heal Allies: 100Hp in 5s
  • Self Healing: 50Hp in 3s



  • Cost: 150 Credits
  • Charges: 2
  • Duration Stick: 3s
  • Area: 12m Diameter



  • Cost: 1 Free and 150 Credits the other one
  • Charges: 2
  • Cooldown for Activation: 6s
  • Cooldown for Deactivation: 4s
  • Cooldown for Pickup: 0s
  • Total Gum Duration: 60s
  • Area: 9m Diameter



  • Cost: 7 Orbs
  • Duration: 20s
  • Length: 50m
  • Height: 8m
  • Thickness: 2m
  • Slowdown: 50%



Phrase: “Giant Gum Gum”



Concept Power: Radiant Pixels

Origin: Spain

Description: Píx is an agent from a distant future. His Radiant Pixel power gives him an unparalleled impact in every duel. He has only one goal in mind… to become the Strongest Radiant.


Description of Abilities

Suppressor Pixel – EQUIP a suppressor grenade. SHOOT to throw the grenade. When it explodes, it will silence all enemies in the area. Use SECONDARY FIRE to throw it at close range.


Blinding Pixel – EQUIP a blinding pixel. FIRE to throw it through a structure. Use SECONDARY FIRE to throw the blinding pixel at close range, without leaning on a structure.


JUMP – ACTIVATE the ability to set up an improved jump. CLICK IT AGAIN to jump in the direction where Pix is facing.


Flag – EQUIP the Conquest Flag. FIRE to summon a massive area of pixels, in which Pix becomes invisible. Once activated, the Agent has an extra JUMP. Use the SECONDARY SHOOT to cancel the Ultimate. During his invisibility he can neither shoot or launch the suppressor pixel. Both the blinding pixel and the jump can be launched. Leaving the area will cancel the invisibility, but not the Ultimate. The enemy will be able to hear all the noise that Pix generates. Flag, whether cancelled or naturally ending, has an equipment penalty for Pix.



Ability Characteristics

Pixel Suppressor

  • Cost: 200 Credits
  • Duration: 1,5s
  • Silence Duration: 3,5s
  • Area: 8m Diameter


Flash Pixel

  • Cost: 250 Credits each Flash
  • Charges: 2
  • Blinding Duration (Left Click): 1,5s
  • Blinding Duration (Right Click): 1,75s
  • Maximum Distance from the Structure: 5m



  • Cost: Free
  • Cooldown: 2 Kills
  • Duration: 7,5s
  • Activation Time: 1s
  • Distance: 10m



  • Cost: 7 Orbs
  • Duration: 12s
  • Equipping Time: 0,8s
  • Length: 40m
  • Width: 30m



Phrase: “Time to Conquer”



Concept Power: Radiant Animals

Origin: South Africa

Description: Johan is a scientist and animal lover. His advances in radianite have taken radianite to the next level. If you’re not prepared, be very careful. Because Johan and his little friends won’t make it easy for you.


Ability Descriptions

Froggy – EQUIP your froggy. SHOOT to throw it. Once it hits the ground, the froggie will explode and create a poisonous zone. Use SECONDARY FIRE to throw it closer.


Gekko – EQUIP one of your gekkos. Use SECONDARY FIRE to toggle the path the gekko will take. FIRE to start the path. Once it detects an enemy, the gekko will pounce on it. Stun in the area of impact.


Crow – EQUIP a crow. SHOOT to position it to guard a certain area. If an enemy enters its area, it will pounce on it. Revealing everything in the area of impact. HOLD EQUIP, aiming at the crow, to bring it back to you. Being able to reposition it.


Lion’s Roar – Roars INSTANTLY, intimidating all enemies in the area. They will be affected by a vulnerability and a shield override. This roar will also grant all allies in the area more movement speed.



Ability Characteristics


  • Cost: 200 Credits
  • Charges: 1
  • Duration: 5s
  • Area: 9m Diameter
  • Damage: 150hp



  • Cost: 200 Credits each Gekko
  • Charges: 2
  • Stunt Duration: 2s
  • Reaction Time: 1s
  • Activation Time: 1s
  • Vigilance Area: 9m
  • Patrolling Distance: 20m
  • Invisibility Range: 2m
  • Jump Range: 9m
  • Impact Range: 2m Diameter
  • Health: 30hp
  • Cone of Vision: 270°



  • Cost: Free
  • Cooldown: 40s
  • Cooldown per Pickup: 20s
  • Positioning Distance: 13m
  • Area: 15m Diameter
  • Impact Range: 4m Diameter
  • Health: 30hp


Lion’s Roar

  • Cost: 7 Orbs
  • Vulnerability Duration: 2,5s
  • Shield Nullification Duration: 5s
  • Duration Movement Speed: 10s
  • Area: 45m
  • Movement Speed: 15% Movement Speed



Phrase: “My Pride Shall Prevail”



Concept Power: Araxys Divisible Romboid

Origin: Unknown

Description: Emira is an Araxys half-breed from the distant future. Her advanced technology allows her to gather information and initiate any tactical action. An agent full of mysteries.


Description of Abilities

RomBuff – EQUIPS a special rhomboid that, when launched, creates a power-up field for the entire team. Use SECONDARY FIRE to toggle between the movement speed or rate of fire booster. FIRE to launch it.


RomStunt – EQUIP a special rhomboid. SHOOT to position it on a structure, taking into account the direction of the effect. Facing the placed rhomboid, PRESS EQUIP to activate it. This rhomboid stuns enemies in its area of effect. Through a voice-over, Emira will know if she has stunned one or more Agents.


RomSpotter – EQUIP a special rhomboid. SHOOT to send it forward. HOLD FIRING to direct the rhomboid. As long as it is not terminated, eliminated or canceled, this artefact will reveal everything in its range of effect.


RomFlash – ACTIVATE the Ultimate to enter the araxys dimension. SHOOT to place the rhomboids. Use SECONDARY FIRE to pick them up. Both inside and outside the araxys dimension, you can activate the rhomboids by PRESSING EQUIP. Once activated, these rhomboids will cause myopia to all enemies that have visual contact with it. This Ultimate contains 3 rhomboids.



Ability Characteristics


  • Cost: 150 Credits
  • Duration: 7s
  • Area: 10m Diameter
  • Maximum Throw Distance: 8m



  • Cost: 200 Credits
  • Charges: 2
  • Stun Duration: 3s
  • Positioning Time: 0,5s
  • Positioning Distance: 15m
  • Length: 35m
  • Width: 9m
  • Health: 30hp



  • Cost: Free
  • Cooldown: 35s
  • Duration: 4,5s
  • Area: 20m Diameter
  • Health: 30hp



  • Cost: 7 Orbs
  • Charges: 3
  • Myopia Duration: 2s
  • Range: Infinite
  • Health: 175hp



Phrase: “Can you see little one?”