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  6. Shooting Mechanics and Routine


Shooting Mechanics


– The way in which we shoot. It consists of applying a pattern of shooting and movement to a specific circumstance.


Fundamental Aspects
– Movement (Ours and Rival’s), already mentioned in the AIM, is key in shooting mechanics.

Crouching while shooting can be viable:

  • At short and medium distances, to control recoil or break the opponent’s Crosshair Placement.
  • If you have machine guns (Ares or Odin)

Jumping while shooting is only viable at very short distances and with a shotgun.

Running while shooting can be feasible:

  • At short or very short distances, with automatic or semi-automatic weapons and that are lighter than heavy. Example:

Pistols: Frenzy

Submachine guns: Spectre


– Distance to target

Types (Long, Medium and Short)

You don’t shoot the same in a short distance duel than in a long distance duel.

Long range: Always stand and control your shooting and movement.
The less distance there is between us and the target, everything “CAN” become a little less controlled. Always keeping our weapon in mind.


– Weapons

  • Potential of each Weapon
  • Types of Fire (Single Shot, Burst, Semi-Automatic and Automatic)
  • Recoil/Recoil and Rest
  • Take into account the opponent’s potential weapon.
  • The most important thing is to know how each weapon works and what are its situations. After that, the only thing left to do is to practice with those that we are going to use the most.





Always keep in mind the distance from the target and the type of weapons.

The times of the routine are set by you, it depends on your level and desire.


– In the Bots area we will practice the recoil of the weapons that we use the most and that they have of course.


– The shooting mechanics will be trained in a DeathMatch.

Basic mechanics to master:


Shoot (2/3 Bullets) > Move to the right > Stop > Shoot (2/3 Bullets) > Move to the left > and so on.


The pattern can be changed.


There are more mechanics, obviously, but I’m not going to go through them all. In the end, this is all very circumstantial. Do some research on this subject and then experiment.


And remember that the most important thing is the movement. Know how and when to apply it.


