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– Ability to move the crosshair from one point to another.


Fundamental Aspects
– Crosshair Placement
It depends on the weapon, but in most situations our Crosshair Placement will be at the height of the opponent’s head. This is the area where weapons do the most damage. This concept also refers to having the crosshair at the point of action.
Being at altitude, varies the Crosshair Placement.


– Movements ( Crosshair, Our and Rival’s)
The crosshair can move in any direction.

Basic movements both ours and the opponent’s:
AD (Left Right)
Run and Walk

This small aspect of movement is important. Since, in many situations, both we and our opponent will be in movement. So it is necessary to incorporate it into the AIM routine.

Regarding the movement, we also have to talk about Tracking. This consists of following the movement of a target with the crosshair.


– Speed (Fast, Medium and Low)
Types (Fast, Medium and Low)


– Reaction Time
It is not a fundamental aspect in itself, but it seems to me a very important element regarding AIM.





Before going into this section I will say that I am not a knowledgeable or expert of all the applications that exist. I am only going to give my opinion, of what seems to me the most Top.

The times of the routine, you set them, it depends on your level and desire.

Bullet by Bullet.


  • Crosshair Placement

The essential of this exercise is to be performed on Valorant maps.

Either in an application such as AIMLab, which can replicate the maps, or in a DeathMatch.


  • Movement

This workout is going to be broken down into several phases and can be done in the bot area.

I’m not a big fan of AimLab bots. Being inside Valorant killing Kayos is much more transferable.

Important to alternate distance in all exercises.



On the bot area you can track:

  • Drones (Low/Medium Speed)
  • Bots and Yoru Clone (High Speed)

First with movement of the target and us standing still.
We end up incorporating our movement.


Horizontal Target Movements (Killing Bots). Both the Bots and you are going to be unmoved.

  • Then we incorporate, only, our movement.
  • And finally we incorporate the movement of the Bot.


To train the rest of the Movements, we will rise to a height and do the same process as with the horizontal movement.

In this exercise we are complicated by the issue of distance. No problem, it will be trained in the following exercises. Anyway, you can use AimLab or any other application. It is not a sacrilege.


  • Reaction Time

Bot Area: Raising the difficulty of the Bots.


