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Snake Bite

Molly that damages enemies in the area and leaves them vulnerable.

  •  Cost: 300 Credits
  •  Duration: 6,5s
  •  Vulnerability Duration: 2s
  •  Area: 8m Diameter
  •  Damage: 132hp

Poison Cloud

Viper launches a gas emitter. You can activate and desactivate it, always taking into account the poisonous fuel. If activated, a spherical smoke will appear. Can be picked up only during the purchase phase. It will apply Decay.

  •  Cost: 200 Credits
  •  Cooldown: 5s
  •  Total Fuel Recovery: 30s
  •  Duration Alone: 12s
  •  Shared Duration: 10s
  •  Area: 9m Diameter
  •  Pickup Range: 4m
  •  Initial Decay: 30hp
  •  Minimum Fuel to Activate: 30%

Toxic Screen

Viper launches gas emitters. These can be activated and deactivated, always taking into account the poisonous fuel. When activated, a very long toxic wall will appear, blocking vision and applying Decay.

  •  Cost: Free
  •  Cooldown: 5s
  •  Total Fuel Recovery: 30s
  •  Duration Alone: 12s
  •  Shared Duration: 10s
  •  Length: 60m
  •  Height: 4m
  •  Initial Decay: 30hp
  •  Minimum Fuel to Activate: 30%

Viper's Pit

Ultimate ability with which Viper creates a large toxic cloud around her. Reduces the vision of the enemies and apply decay, within the ability. If Viper is not inside the cloud, it will disappear after a while. It has its own poisonous fuel.

  •  Cost: 9 Orbs
  •  Duration outside the cloud: 8s
  •  Total Fuel Regeneration: 25s
  •  Area: 16m / Adapts to the surface
  •  Height: 4m
  •  Initial Decay: 30hp

General Characteristics

Offensive Capacity  LOW

Defensive Capacity  HIGH

Own Synergy  MEDIUM

Synergy with Others  MEDIUM

Amount of Resources  NORMAL