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Barrier Orb

Sage creates a solid wall.

  •  Cost: 400 Credits
  •  Duration: 40s
  •  Fragility Duration: 3,3s
  •  Area: 10m Long / 2,8m High
  •  Initial Health: 400hp
  •  Final Health: 800h

Slow Orb

Sage launches an orb that slows in area. It molds to the surface.

  •  Cost: 200 Credits each Orb
  •  Charges: 2
  •  Duration: 7s
  •  Area: 10m Approx.
  •  Slow: 50%

Healing Orb

Sage has a healing orb, which she can use both on her allies and herself.

  •   Cost: Free
  •   Cooldown: 45s
  •   Distance: Infinite
  •   Sage Healing: 30hp in 10s
  •   Healing Allies: 100hp in 5s


Ultimate ability with which Sage can resurrect an ally.

  •  Cost: 8 Orbs
  •  Casting Time: 3s
  •  Distance: 7m
  •  Ally Health: 100hp

General Characteristics

Offensive Capacity  LOW

Defensive Capacity  HIGH

Own Synergy  LOW

Synergy with other Agents  LOW

Amount of Resources  NORMAL