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  6. KillJoy




Molly that sticks to the ground and does not activate until KillJoy wants it to. Invisible until you get close.

  •  Cost: 200 Credits each Nano
  •  Charges: 2
  •  Duration: 4,4s
  •  Invisibility Range: 5,25m
  •  Health: 20hp
  •  Area: 10m Diameter
  •  Damage: 180hp


Bot that watches over an area. It will chase enemies that enter it, exploding and applying vulnerability. Invisible until you get close. Can be reused. Deactivated if KillJoy is not in range.

  •  Cost: 200 Credits
  •  Cooldown per Pickup: 20s
  •  Vulnerability Duration: 3,5s
  •  Invisibility Range: 7m
  •  Range with KillJoy: 40m
  •  Area: 5m
  •  Health: 50hp


Turret that fires on enemy contact, in a 180 degree cone. Can be reused.

  •  Cost: Free
  •  Cooldown by Pickup: 20s
  •  Destruction Cooldown: 45s
  •  KillJoy Range: 40m
  •  Shooting Range: Infinite
  •  Angle of Vision: 100º
  •  Health: 100hp
  •  Damage: 3-8hp


Ultimate Ability in which KillJoy activates a device that, after some time, immobilizes all enemies in the area.

  •  Cost: 9 Orbs
  •  Casting Time: 13s
  •  Immobilization Duration: 8s
  •  Area: 33m
  •  Health: 200hp

General Characteristics

Offensive Capacity  LOW

Defensive Capacity  HIGH

Information Capacity  MEDIUM

Own Synergy  MEDIUM

Synergy with other Agents  LOW

Rank with respect to Utility  LIMITED

Amount of Resources  NORMAL