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ISO launches a wall forward, blocking vision and preventing bullets from passing through.

  • Cost: 200 Credits
  • Duration: 5s
  • Distance: 25m
  • Creation Distance: 5m
  • Width: 5m
  • Height: 5m


Launches a molecular projectile forward, making anyone it touches vulnerable.

  • Cost: 200 Credits
  • Charges: 2
  • Vulnerability Duration: 4s
  • Distance: 35m
  • Width: 6m
  • Height: 6m

Double Tap

ISO enters a focused state. Downed enemies that you kill or damage will generate an orb. If ISO shoots the orb, he gets a shield that absorbs the first instance of damage.

  • Cost: Free
  • Activation Time: 1s
  • Duration: 12s
  • Orb Duration: 3s
  • Shield Duration: 12s
  • Shield width: 100

Kill Contract

Launches a domain expansion that challenges the first opponent that is in your area to a 1 vs 1. If you defeat the opponent an orb appears as in “Double Tap” that you can shoot.

  • Cost: 7 Orbs
  • Duration: 15s
  • Casting Time: 1s
  • Width: 16m
  • Length: 48m
  • Domain Area: +- 27m Diameter

Características Generales

Offensive Capacity  HIGH

Defensive Capacity  MEDIUM

Information Capacity  LOW

Own Synergy  MEDIUM

Synergy with Others  HIGH

Amount of Resources  NORMAL