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  6. Harbor




Wave that impedes vision and slows down. Can be stopped by Harbor.

  •  Cost: 150 Credits each Wave
  •  Charges: 2
  •  Duration: 7s When stopped
  •  Duration of slowdown: 1s
  •  Distance: 5s / 36m
  •  Area: 8m Height / 10m Width


Spherical smoke which in turn acts as a bulletproof shield. If the shield is broken, the smoke will disappear.

  •  Cost: 350 Credits
  •  Duration: 15s
  •  Area: 9m Diameter
  •  Shield Health: 500hp

High Tide

A wall of water that blocks your vision and slows down anyone who crosses it. Harbor can shape it at will.

  •  Cost: Free
  •  Cooldown: 40s
  •  Duration: 15s
  •  Slowdown Duration: 1s
  •  Distance: 50m
  •  Height: 4,5m


Ultimate ability in which Harbor summons a moving area, which generates geysers. If enemies stay inside, they will be revealed by the geyser and if it hits any of them, it will stun them.

  •  Cost: 7 Orbs
  •  Duration: 9s
  •  Stun Duration: 2s
  •  Area: 40m Diameter
  •  Geyser Area: 8m of Diameter
  •  Range of “NO Impact”: 5m
  •  Number of eruptions: 3 (1 every 3s)

General Characteristics

Offensive Capacity  MEDIUM

Defensive Capacity  MEDIUM

Own Synergy  MEDIUM

Synergy with other Agents  MEDIUM

Distance to launch Smokes  MEDIUM

Amount of Resources  NORMAL