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  6. DeadLock




Throws a nanowire grenade, which explodes when it hits the ground. Wrapping you in a net, which keeps you crouched and slowed down. You can eliminate these effects by removing the net. It makes a sound as you remove it.

  • Cost: 200 Credits
  • Duration: Until the net is removed.
  • Time to remove the net: 1,5s
  • Area: 16m Diameter

Sonic Sensor

A device that monitors the sounds made by enemies in a given area. Once it detects footsteps, gunshots or a significant amount of sounds. It will cast a stun on that area. It can be picked up and repositioned.

  • Cost: 200 Credits
  • Charges: 2
  • Stun Duration: 3s
  • Reaction Time: 0,5s
  • Area: 8m Wide x 3m High x 9m Long
  • Pick-up Distance: 27m
  • Invisibility Range: 9m
  • Maximum Positioning Range: 14m

Barrier Mesh

Throws a disc that generates 4 barriers, forming this + figure. These barriers not only block the way of the characters, but also block the way of some abilities (Yoru’s Clone or Raze’s BoomBot). They are transparent barriers so you can see through them and also shoot. Protective Mesh has 4 lateral orbs and 1 central orb.

-Breaking one of the lateral orbs would eliminate the barrier connected to that orb.

-Breaking the central orb would eliminate the entire Protective Mesh.

It also has a hardening phase.

  • Cost: Free
  • Duration: 30s
  • Maximum Distance from Walls: 10m
  • Hardening Time: 3s
  • Side Orbs Life: 600hp
  • Side Orbs Life during Hardening: 400hp
  • Central Orb Life: 1200hp
  • Central Orb Life during Hardening: +-650hp


DeadLock launches a pulse of nanowires that will trap in a cocoon the first enemy that comes into contact with it. He will be pulled by a nanowire to the beginning of the ultimate. If he reaches the end, he will die instantly. The cocoon carrying the enemy can be destroyed by the enemy’s teammates. The nanowire pulse can bounce once and at its maximum range it will explode.

  • Cost: 7 Orbs
  • Duration: 10s
  • Drag Duration: 8s
  • Pulse Area: 3m Diameter and 40m Long
  • Pulse Spherical Explode Area: 13m of Diameter
  • Cocoon Life: 300hp

General Characteristics

Offensive Capacity  LOW

Defensive Capacity  HIGH

Information Capacity  MEDIUM

Own Synergy  LOW

Synergy with other Agents  LOW

Rank with respect to Utility  INFINITE

Amount of Resources  LOW