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  6. Cypher




It is a Cable Trap, which is activated when it comes into contact with the enemy. Revealing it and trapping it. If the enemy does not destroy it in time, the Cable will stun and damage it. It can be reused.

  •  Cost: 200 Credits each Cable
  •  Charges: 2
  •  Cooldown per Pickup: 0
  •  Rearm: 2s
  •  Reaction Time: 1,5s
  •  Slowdown Duration: 1,25s
  •  Cable Distance: 15m
  •  Maximum Positioning Range: 20m
  •  Invisibility Range: 3m
  •  Health: 20hp
  •  Damage: 5hp

Cyber Cage

Device launched by Cypher. If activated, it creates a kind of cylindrical smoke. It not only blocks vision, but also makes noise when enemies enter.

  •  Cost: 100 Credits each Cage
  •  Charges: 2
  •  Duration: 7s
  •  Area: 7m Diameter
  •  Height: 3.8m


Camera through which Cypher can monitor an area. This camera can launch a device that attaches to the enemy’s body and reveals it. Until it is removed, it will continue to be revealed. It can be reused. If used uninterruptedly, it generates a sound.

  •  Cost: Free
  •  Cooldown by collection: 15s
  •  Cooldown per destruction: 45s
  •  Maximum Positioning Range: 20m
  •  Health: 50hp

Neural Theft

Ultimate ability in which Cypher throws his hat to a downed enemy. This reveals, twice, the enemies on the map.

  •  Cost: 6 Orbs
  •  Time between Revelations: 4s
  •  Distance to throw the Hat: 18m

General Characteristics

Offensive Capacity  LOW

Defensive Capacity  HIGH

Information Capacity  HIGH

Own Synergy  HIGH

Synergy with other Agents  LOW

Rank with respect to Utility  INFINITE

Distance to launch Smokes  SHORT

Amount of Resources  HIGH