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If Clove assists or kills an opponent, she can absorb his life force. Temporarily gaining life and movement speed.

  • Cost: 200 Credits
  • Duration: 8s
  • Duration to activate: 5s
  • OverHeal: 100hp


Grenade that, when exploded, applies an instantaneous decay. It bounces off walls and sticks to horizontal surfaces.

  • Cost: 250 Credits
  • Charges: 1
  • Decay Duration: 5s
  • Duration to explode: 1,2s
  • Decay: 90hp


Throws spherical smokes to the battlefield. These smokes can be placed while dead, within the area of said death.

  • Cost: 1 Free the other 150 Credits
  • Charges: 2
  • Duration: 12,25s
  • Cooldown: 30s
  • Smoke Area: 8m Diameter
  • Map Area: 55m
  • Dead Map Area: 40m


Clove activates the ultimate to revive. However, she has a time limit to kill or assist, in case she fails to do so, she will die instantly.

  • Cost: 8 Orbs
  • Duration to Revive: 3s
  • Duration to Revive: 3s
  • Duration to assist or kill: 12s

Características Generales

Offensive Capacity  HIGH

Defensive Capacity  MEDIUM

Own Synergy  LOW

Synergy with other Agents  LOW

Distance to launch Smokes  MEDIUM

Amount of Resources   MEDIUM